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发表于 2017-11-28 08:00:09 |只看该作者 |倒序浏览
I have some fact to share with your....
Alternative To Typical Synthetic Supplements IS NECESSARY, Say Experts
Entire dietary supplements is currently a topic of worldwide interest. A profusion of evidence has recently emerged suggesting that normal synthetic multivitamin supplements may be hazardous to your wellbeing. Goran Bjelakovic, a reputed scientist from the University or college of Copenhagen, headed up a massive meta-study that looked at the results of 67 placebo-controlled trials previously undertaken to look for the effects of vitamin and anti-oxidant supplements on durability. In the end, the analysis combined observations of 232 000 test subjects. Through the use of such a huge population sample, a study can become much more powerful with regards to spotting large-scale developments and overcoming individual bias.
The full total results of the analysis, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, were nothing less than shocking. Taking a look at patients with diabetes, cardiovascular disease and lung cancers, as well as healthy, normal individuals, there is no apparent advantage to taking popular fractionated supplements like Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Selenium, or beta-Carotene. In fact, the results went in the opposite direction - there was a greater chance of death (16 percent) amongst Vitamin A users, a 7 percent higher death count among beta-Carotene users, and a 4 percent mortality upsurge in Vitamin E users. Beta-Carotene and Retinol, marketed as anti-carcinogenic agents, may promote lung malignancy. That's right - pills promoted as helping you towards a longer, healthier life are actually correlated with a speedier demise. This research used typical supplements on the market made from synthetic vitamins.
To add insult to injury, a recent study published in the Uk Journal of Nourishment under the unimaginative title of "Ascorbic Acid Supplementation WILL NOT Attenuate Post-Exercise Muscle Soreness Following Muscle-Damaging Exercise But May Delay The Recovery Process" indicated that supplementation with anti-oxidants from synthetic sources may reverse many of the beneficial effects of physical training.
Now, this is not to say that anti-oxidants or vitamins are bad for you. Definately not it - these supplements were created on the basis of solid science. Anti-oxidants are thought to protect cells from the ravages of free radicals still. The nagging problem, rather, is the essential idea that you can get those benefits from synthetic isolated compounds. Disease and the aging process are far more complicated than test-tube studies can account for usually. Furthermore, the presssing problem of bioavailability is an ever-present concern. Many typical synthetic supplements include huge amounts of the publicized vitamin, but absence the additional substances had a need to ensure that their key elements are actually absorbed by your body. Passing straight through the digestive tract, these 'miracle health cures' often find yourself doing little beyond offering people expensive urine. To the rescue...Entire Food Supplements.
Website: herb24.space

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